Ep 248 - Hoops, Homefield, Happiness.

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All right folks we are back with another addition red my podcast I don't know if that intro worked out too well sounded weird weird on my end so was it. Okay, yeah.
It was really choppy on mine. Yeah yeah, who cares? let's fight. Let's do this.
Switching back audio platform so outside of that bad intro if you notice anything audio quality wise please let us know we tried another platform for a while and it worked but just made post-production a lot harder so we went back to try Zencastr. And so that's where we are I want to get go.
Evan for for for for folks that obviously can't see this except for you and me you look like you are streaming on like a 56 k modem right now. The yeah, the video quality is like archaic. Um.
I Don't know why that happens? yeah. I know.
I Just turned mine off in case, it's on my end. But anyway sorry what are we doing here today.
Top in quality. First of all, want to shout out to our sponsors. Yes, plural sponsors living relief everybody knows them put that out there for a while they have a lot of bunch of new products in there. You should check out some delta 9 stuff. They have some Cbd Cbd and t that I tried out the other day. It was actually really good. So morning teas I like to switch it up for my coffee sometimes to drink green tea. This one's really good. Check out http://livingreleef.com they are big supporters of the pack big sports of the podcast and we want to support those that support us the other one is home field apparel.
Um, whoa.
Everybody has seen it. It's coming everybody has seen what their teasers right? They've been dropping it for a while they have some really cool stuff coming out. We've seen a few of them and like there's 15 different pieces and for those that don't know. Home field pulls out old logos from the archives and they make really nice designs where go you check out home field apparel and see what they've done for other schools are finally adding insy state and it launches on Saturday there's a red white discount code. So if you use red white. 15% off they I think y'all gonna really like it some of stuff they put out and they've teased a few. We've seen some of them is they're sick and it's one of the things I think at least we talk about a lot of the pod jet is the lack of ability to get good gear. For Anthony State we've talked about there's some exclusives for basketball that some people won't let us have you know we try to get the football ones. The coaches are wearing on the football sidelines and you can't ever find them. So now when you know Homefield comes out and they're bringing like unique designs and really love the old like slobbering wolf and some of stuff they're bringing. So mean to check those out Saturday there they' launch in that collection think these said 15 different designs with how do t-shirts, etc. Yeah, so should be pretty cool.
Ah I honestly thought it would never happen I was what I was complaining all offseason last year um saying that this wasn't missed opportunity for us. So I'm glad that we're entering the fray and the.
Right? but.
But um, yeah I don't think so I think State fans the early reaction from for most people are just like I'm ready to see what they got I'm ready to buy some buy some stuff.
Hope we don't let him down.
I Just hope they've got something similar in epic scale like that one slippery rock design. That's like the the rock in like the rocky trench coat. Ah fur yeah.
I don't know I mean I'm just excited. It'll be fun to get some new gear. That's unique that doesn't kind of get you know fall prey to the typical template work you see with other vendors. So this is good man and I've got a few things from them already in general I really like the way it it looks and feels and. Just exciting good good time for the the brand. Yeah maybe Adidas will ah perk up when they see this and offer us more money.
Right? Yeah well a deda might park up on the sea. Our pre-season rankings by the action network who has us number 4 in their college football preseason rankings behind Alabama Ohio state and Clemson. And t state sits at number 4.
Do you think it balances out a little bit with how basketball is sitting in the conference standings right? like is Adida is gonna come say well hey you know we're like really like a basketball brand and you guys are.
Um, probably like you know it was important. It's really important this year that we had a good basketball program from that standpoint because the Adidas contract is up. It is june. And you know it would have been nice to have that leverage because quite literally every one of our sports except for 3 are doing really really well softball I believe there's gonna be a new coach. Supposedly if there's not already a forgot what the guys are saying. Volleyball had brought a bunch of transfers and then men's basketball. Everybody else is doing really well you know both tennis teams are in the top 5 wrestlings wrestling really good. You know women's basketball football success baseball is really good like every sport is good except for 3 and 1 of them happens to be your moneymaker. And that is kind of leads us into what we're on what I wanted to talk about essentially was the I don't really want to talk about should we fire keys should we keep him like I don't like that conversation since I'm not ready to have that conversation I want to talk about the apathy though. Apathy around the the fan base around the basketball program. How disappointing that is and I'm not saying this to be critical of the fans I'm critical of just where the program is the basketball program I got went to the game last night there's nobody there man you see the pictures of the student section just empty sidelines are. Empty and it's sad man. It's sad to state that this program is in and I've talked to a lot of state fans. Not a lot of season ticket holders for basketball and essentially is I don't care like that's what I keep saying is like yeah you know. I can't put any more effort into it and I think dad to me that is that's crushing because I just feel like you're you're you know, historically been a ah ah basketball school and you as you see the life getting sucked out of these long time basketball fans. And just I just I haven't seen that before like we've had some bad years. We fired some coaches I just haven't seen it to level where people just don't care. Do you think that's football related that football is fine success so they have not and we haven't had that before. And so they're kind of filling that void.
Yeah I mean there's ah I don't know it's funny because I'm so I just spent what let's see like 16 hours in the car of the last three days so I had a lot of time to think about football in intense spend much time thinking about basketball. Um, so I think yeah, the momentum right now in football is maybe certainly contagious. Um I don't know I think there just becomes a point as a fan where you just say there's so many people injured the product is clearly you know it'll give you that 1 or two good runs get the score tight and then. Fall off at the end maybe because they have no wheels. It's just do you really want to go spend an hour or 2 watching this I don't sometimes it's hard to find the game. You know so there's that but I just think it's kind of like you're in last place. I mean I respect everyone else that's going to the games but there's just better things to do with your time. Um, it's unfortunate. It sucks with the guys. You know they're playing. They're clearly trying hard for most of the game. Um I don't know I didn't I didn't watch the wake one because I was. It's actually up to about 2 in the morning last night writing a proposal um, and so I am just stupid exhausted I think I looked and saw some tweets from you and I said let's look at what the score is and I said oh geez and then I just. Moved on I saw wake forest showing highlights of passing which was weird. Um I don't know man like women's basketball is probably taking some some folks away football. Yeah, just excitement of it.
Is kind of booying yourself so you don't have to go rely on basketball to to bring you up after a tough season or something like that. So I don't know Man. It's just tough I Still don't think anything's gonna happen. So It's kind of like just I want the season just to get over with I want players to transfer out transfer in people get healthy see if. Key tires any more staff and then I'll just evaluate it in a couple months like I'm I'm just I'm done I don't even know if I'll watch the Acc tournament I'm just so out of it.
I think and that's I think that's a general vibe and from what I've heard from talking to people the the boosters who would typically be involved here and. There's 6 games left and anything could change. You know you get blown out at home by Carolina and you know get swept by awake and maybe yeah like you things may change but I just from what I was told is they don't care enough to put up the money to to buy him out.
Oh God we still have to play them.
And I think that's to me is just like Wow That's that's just wild you know so I just don't I don't think anything's gonna happen.
Well look. Yeah I was kind of thinking about this of the day I mean I despite what we are seeing right now I do think there would be quite the backlash at least in the media if we were to fire him that you know that the narrative's been already written of. Oh the ncdo a cloud yada ya yada whether you not you believe that? That's what they're going to say that you know there's some other factors with his likeability. Um, you know I just think everyone is kind of like let's just get this fricking year over. I mean even boo sounds like it when they ask him about he's just kind of like man you know like Kevin's our coach. It's unfortunate circumstance. Yeah yeah, yada um I don't even know what his contract details are so I don't even know what the buyout is but probably from boo's perspective. It's kind of like. You know it would be like if boo fired Dave ah in 2019 right when it was so clear that we were screwed injury wise right? and and Dave went out and replaced coaches and you know he said? Yeah I'll make fixes on the staff to make sure we improve.
Product on the field going forward. You know so he made those changes but I don't think there was ever really any concern that Dave himself was gonna get fired and the problem is is just Keats hasn't shown. You know the back to back 9 win equivalent seasons. You know before the disaster. So.
If Keiths wants to argue I haven't had a chance to build because of all this stuff and okay, that's great, but at the same time. It's like I gotta see you willing to push yourself in your staff at least I I have to imagine that conversation's gonna happen I don't know are any of the coaches like.
Um, you know it's.
Sorry just I thought about this driving the day and I just didn't now are either any of the coaches considered like exceptional recruiters and you know that's why we have an odd arrangement of assistant coaches. Okay.
I don't think so and it makes me wonder how much Kevin Keats let his assistants do what? what? they should be doing and it's it's.
Um, yeah.
For the record the I don't know if you saw this in the pod chat or not we were talking about the other day that 2019 conversation with Dave and boo was driven by Dave hey I need more money for assistance. It wasn't driven by boo so people are expecting boo to drive that conversation this year with Keats. And just don't know if you will or not.
Yeah, but I mean every executive does an end of year review right? and says all right? You know what? what do you need to make this better. What what's your path out of this right? So I I think the key is.
You would think? yeah.
Maybe boot in come and say you gotta fire people but boo probably sat there and said if you need more resources I will go get you more resources and and that conversation could be different going forward with a football program versus the basketball program.
You know, maybe boo looks at and just says like even if I overinvest in you you know I'll go back and look at historicals how much were we selling out in the p andnc. How much were we making how much is that going to drive the next set of Acc contracts like there may just be some kind of a leveling off of of apathy that says. If you don't get us in trouble and you don't have a season like we're having right now while you're healthy. Maybe they don't care. Maybe it's not worth the money. You know I mean I don't know I don't even know what we even need to get a better staff right now. I even looked into it what what's the pay scale that we're missing to get us better guys other than it just feels like maybe Kevin's network is extremely limited. You know.
Well I think yeah Don I don't know if it's and you know network related or pay scale related or just you know he he's shown. He wants to hire his friends I think up until the Mike Summmi Hire which I is actually kind of random.
Because there wasn't really that connection other to the university and probably maybe somebody you know somebody third hand I think it was actually Takao Sil had a connection with somey if I believe but he's hired his friends. You know it's a bit of nepotism there and you know how that works out when you.
Um, yeah.
Whether it's a workplace or a basketball team kind of think we see that playing out here I don't know if he goes out and hires you know hires a name or hires some experience. But. I think a lot of people believe that is that is the answer but you know reality is he's got to let them do what they can do and are you gonna be able to pull in some experience for a guy whose seat is going to be very hot next year I don't know I don't know the I don't know the answer his questions. But I think it's a. It's very valid because if you're keeping him what what? What are you doing to change the outlook on next year right what do you You know, are you getting better players. Are you going to hit the portal differently. Are you changing your philosophy there. I'm not sure, but these are what people are looking at right.
Um, yeah yeah I don't know. Yeah, also I mean still, you're still gonna have just go back and look and say like what is it that led to the decision making for shac moore to leave the team for cam to stay and to see like this. Much of a regression. You know what led to I was listening to an ips pod while I was driving and um James was bringing up. You know, just it seemed odd how quickly they shifted cron to point guard you know, yeah, Hayes was out in a bad stretch right? but.
He felt like that kind of did him in um, you know I just wonder if maybe they made some moves that they thought might be motivational and they like completely backfired like that. Maybe they thought hey we got to ride the hot hand I don't know um, but I assume that's the stuff that boo's gonna ask and just say like. You know, obviously you had to try to you know, fight your way out of a terrible situation. You know you had moments in it where you would you know, get these games close and then it would fall apart. You know what do you think is a problem. Um, and if he doesn't have good answers. You know, maybe boo makes a decision then but. Just think the department is in kind of hey we're focused on football. We're focused on getting money for baseball. Yeah, you know women's basketball like I just almost feel like they're kind of like fix yourself and if you don't fix yourself in the next year or 2 then we'll then we'll talk.
You know, save the money I mean the returns are coming on the other fronts. So unless you've got unless I don't even know boot who boo would kind of Target we don't even really have much of his history to bit to go off of because of you know, being an army I don't even know who like what.
What style guy he wants.
It's it's an interesting question I I think you would talking that you're talking about a what we should do what he would do I think are 2 different things. You know we just don't know. But. Don't don't settle for a miak or a colonial or a big south coach like get a high-end g five coach if you can't afford a power 5 coach with a name then go get a higher end G5 coach go go get the the luke fickle of college basketball wherever that may be. Whoever you think that is right? Yeah, yeah, so what? yeah you know so one of those guys pick up somebody who just you got to get serious about if you're gonna be serious about basketball then get serious about basketball like.
Pray Chris Mac a few years ago ah
Show you're committed to it I think that's where like don't go hire Lavelle Moton to Replace Keats
Um, yeah. Look if you want to get wild. You go hire Archie Manning who you know is gonna hate being here but he's gonna be so hungry to succeed. He will do great things and then he'll bounce. The first chance he can probably get I would bet but.
I think he meant Archie Miller but yes like
Miller yeah, and Archie Manning man I'm feeling good about it man dude I I am on like 3 hours of sleep and just bear with me everyone today because I will probably veer off hard here in a few minutes
You know a guy like Miller who I wouldn't be opposed to it I would my questions would be what did you learn from your failure in Indiana how what are you gonna do differently. Why didn't that work.
Yeah, have you seen snatch recently? Well you know how at the end of the movie they're talking to 1 guy and they're like anything you want to declare when he's coming back from my England he's like yeah, don't go to Blape in London or whatever and I just imagine that's what Archie or Archie would say.
Not recently. But I've seen it enough and.
About Indiana. Yeah.
Don't go to Bloomington yeah, but that's that would up I be that was what I would wonder like what would you change? What would you do differently to make sure that you succeed here.
It's funny listening because he does a lot of work with Goodman now and they you know, put out a lot of live videos doing basketball analysis both him and Sean and some other guys they have been recently fired and it's funny listening to into their perspective I think kind of changes a little bit after you go through that so that's what I would ask and then who you're gonna bring in. Are you gonna you know. Develop a program with state guys because there are some high high profile assistants out there that are nc state guys Levi Walkkins that Mississippi state right? or Mississippi right now and you know very highly regarded coach Justin Gainney is at Tennessee right now like. Guys out there that have experience have worked for really good coaches are connected to state like could you put that kind of staff together. These are kind of things that if you're gonna move on then do it like do it for real. Don't half asset and.
It if you were one of those players would you want to come back I've ah often kind of thought about this you know the the guys that are in the profession. How eager are they to come back to a place they already spent so much time.
I don't necessarily know if that has an impact on it because you've seen it in football. It's the opposite where you know thunderdance wants to be here. Freddie autrey Lindsay wanted to be here Clayton white was here. We've had it. We brought in a ton of former players to.
Um, yeah. Um, yeah.
Be a part of the program and all of them like to be here like Freddy allse Lindsey he's out there. You know, just loving it and loves that he's back in raleleyh and Thunder Dan like clearly has a good gay going just passion for nsy state. So I think it's. It kind of depends. It's kind of individual part of the program like have had you can you foster that culture can you foster that into your your university like Dave has done for football and I think somebody could do that for basketball I really do.
Do you think I mean if it was let's just call it like the all former players right? would would Archie Miller be able to pull those kind of guys into his orbit to leave. Yeah I often think that like the scc in basketball is like the Acc In Football it's like It's probably much easier just right? you you already have all those resources but in theory the majority of those schools aren't extremely committed to basketball so you know and aside from Kentucky. You know there's no like true like monolith that you're really going up against.
Yes I agree.
Um, so I Always wonder if guys who get into scc basketball coaching are like oh finally we know no one's gonna report us if if we you know toe the line the right way we'll be able to cheat the right way and you know people are gonna be happy to have something to watch during in football. But they're not going to like crucify us if we're bad I kind of feels like that for me.
I I think you're very, it's probably a good analogy I know I think you can get those guys though I think you could bring them back I think there's probably a little poll if they you know, especially they liked their town and they're getting paid well and all these things like ah yeah I think there is. Ah, vision you can sell there about putting together and for lack of a better term the nsy state family right? Not trying to rip Carolina family. But you know the same concept right? building that program and the right person can really sell that. I think a lot of these players are still very connected to each other and so you would see some of that I know Julius Hodge thinks that Archie Miller is the guy if um, yeah, if we were to go a different direction.
And I think that all like those guys are all stale still communicate right? They're all still like their own network. So I think you if you get the right person in the middle. They could really pull that back together.
Does Lorenzo Brown want to coach I just I feel like he'd be a good one.
I Don't know he's He's always kind of quiet though like he's.
Yeah, he's he he's got like Leonard Hamilton quiet vibe energy like I don't know I often I've just ah I've been I was always so puzzled why it just never clicked for him on the Nba side but I'm curious if.
Ah, yeah.
Any of those recent players would want to come back and be involved especially guys that kind of saw the 2 eras up and down. Um, maybe yeah I don't know I was just thinking about that just what former player in recent memory would be a. That guy might be a good coach I mean like Scott would but I don't know if Scott would even wouldt want to do that? Um, who else like came across is like oh um, Cj Williams maybe old I mean I'm looking for that older type vibe I guess.
Yeah, like CJ still playing ball though. Yeah.
I Know I more power to him I'm I'm just still always amazed when he pops up on those contracts. Yeah, actually probably more frustrated than amazed just that I knew he was just solid and then you know.
Right? Yeah, hell is one I never expected never expected.
Funny How just being solid is sometimes all teams want.
Bringing it back to the game Tony Hayes said it last night after in the post gamem driving home from the game and I and I heard heard him say wake passes of all to get good to get good shots is what he kept saying. They had 2 nonpoint cards had I don' wrote 6 but it was 7 assists each and we so you know that's exactly it and like we whatever you think of Kevin Keats's offense whether you think it's a you ball like lot people say one on one or. Ah, people say oh this is the offense. Everybody else is running maybe but ah, not getting the most out of it right? wake is and you see it and and I saw it same thing when Duke and uva played both those teams while different offenses. They're passing the ball. Quickly. There's somebody who's facilitating for everybody else and we simply just don't have that and we take a lot of hard shots I think my kid my seven year olds at the game and he said it too. He's like dad they're getting a lot of easy baskets. It's like 7 he just. Just started playing basketball and that's what he said to me and I'm like yeah you're right? Bob like we're taking you know long 2 point jumpers passing up open shots. You know driving into traffic taking really difficult shots and people are surprised when doesn't succeed. Meanwhile wakes getting easy baskets. They're getting open looks or getting layups I just there's a clear differential in 2 offenses. Even though people say they everybody else is running this. You know, ballcreen offense? Yes, but. People are moving the ball and they have a facilitator they have people that are doing things for others right? Seebron love cbron love washington play he gets into the paint. He's not a creator. He's making his own shot trick cuevion gets in the paint and you know he's. Even last night he did a lot he tried to make his own shot and then realized he couldn't and tried to bail out and then lost the ball but he is but that's what you're learning and know buddy I play basketball with and night he said this to me perfectly. He said I loved her quavion. Like he's the kind of horse you want on your team but with a little bit more of a saddle. Um, and I said that is that is exactly the right analogy because he's the kind of guy the energy the effort the mentality you want on your team but key test to write him in a little bit.
Um, yeah.
Like last night he was 3 for 15 at one point and I and I tweeted out and it upset a couple people as I love turqu like I've been nothing appraising him all year even for his faults. But at some point Keats has got to rein him in a little bit. There's no reason he should be playing as many minutes as he does when. The other guys are not and other guys are not gay me Thomas how played 2 minutes last night its 4 minutes last night. whatever it was brion pass played 1 minute last night like there's got to be a balance there.
Yeah, it.
From from my and yeah for my uneducated view since obviously I'm not getting to watch a lot of these. It really feels like you're giving a guy a super long leash so they doesn't transfer and I think when you're having a year like you're having right now. Um. Unless that guy is a flame thrower every night. Ah, it's probably gonna lead to some bad vibes in game as far as the other players because you know you know that if it's going to him what was it how many attempts 1619.
3 for 15 when he got pulled last night
Yeah, you know that's probably gonna be frustrating for a team and I guess I don't know I was thinking about it on the drive. Why isn't Kevin just basically saying hey this season is bombed. So why don't we just focus on working on fundamentals. And passing the ball and working on the softer skills instead of you know playing the way we are because it almost feels like we should just be treating this. You know at this point as you know let's let's try to beef up the. Basketball iq a little bit so that when we're healthy next year all these guys are more connected in their game if they're still here and if they're not then good. Great. They put some fundamental tape out there. You know, maybe it'll help them with their transfer prospects. But I don't know to me. It's just kind of frustrating I always thought the. Risk of having a guy that's ah, just a volume shooter like like Trickovian is just that I just feel like that can really piss other players off and like I think so people are like oh you know he's x ranked in points and bla blah blah but you know what is he on? ah. And efficiency standpoint. Um.
I mean just just put a little bit of a saddle on him right? It's just put a little bit of control in him and he and he's He's awesome and that's nobody's knocking him like that's I think that's coaching needs to do that and he just rein that in a little bit. It's not.
Know I Guess the question is is whether or not they have tried to do that and yet it's still continuing like maybe that's why the guys were kind of pissed the well at least from our view were frustrated last day the night.
Order yeah, you're not allowed to say that people get her upset if you point out the fact that there might be some Dis Discontent Mont sure yeah
And I don't know I feel like we've all been on a team like that at some point where it's either. You know there's the coaches kid or something like that where you're like yeah the player's good, but he's not so good that the rest of us just need to you know are here to just make life easy for him. Um, and at some point like in a season if it goes rough. It's hard to kind of keep your head up, especially if you're a baller yourself. Um, you know I was just statline hunting last night I mean it looked like Superron had a decent night. Um.
Seebron started playing well late. He struggled early and then he finished he had 19 of our last or he was responsible for 19 or our last twenty three points which yeah, so so you know the general consistent with his team is if seabron hellms.
Yeah I saw Hell Lums had a bad night.
And Smith don't have good nights. You're not gonna win. You need all 3 of them because his team doesn't have enough firepower elsewhere cb bra had his usual night and helms was awful 3 for 12 but worse so than that he passed up a lot of open looks that I just.
Um, yeah.
I don't understand ah his confidence is shot or something I don't know I mean he still. He was 1 for 7 from 3 so it wasn't really it wasn't necessarily hot but part of that is he's pump faking on wide open threes like he's hesitating and. Can't do that when you're shooter man you gotta get that ball up, you got to get in rhythm I think that is that is key but you know bringing it back to to crav on man like when you when Keats plays him like he played 30 minutes last night and. Can played 20 and look at the box where now pass played 1 and Thomas Allen played 2 I get his upside and everybody's response to when you put that out. There is like who's gonna who they're gonna put in like I'm not saying benches to kid not saying pull him forever but like get somebody else in and get him some reps, especially if. Yeah, you're planning on losing some of these guys next year right like there are some guys that are not happy. Why not put brion passing get them get my man some minutes like let him get acclimated to the acc the more mens he got some of those games he started playing little better. He started doing some things. And just give him break and it's not like turkovion was mad when he got pulled. He's on the bench waving his towel jumping up and down like he's still bringing that energy and so it's not a bad thing but it's just the coach needs to reel that in I think he's giving giving him a really long leash and just hoping hey he's gonna get hot. But he has these nights like he had last night he's had a couple of them and just the rotations we've said it for a long time. They don't make sense. The balance doesn't make sense and it just it all it all went wrong last night but it's just I don't know it's a microcosm of the the bigger. Issues of the year or you know all season we've seen so I don't know basketball's toward is no I do. But yeah, there is there is.
Evan don't you have tea time isn't there better ways to be spending your afternoon.
Ah, wanted I wanted to get this out there man is it's just part of that conversation and I they didn't shoot well sure they took a lot of bad shots took contested shots and and that's why they and that's why they lost and wake took a lot of eat. We got a lot of easy shots. They played together had 2
Um, yeah.
Non point cards with 7 assists each. That's get it done that is that's the difference here and maybe Keats turns it around. Maybe he's the guy. Ah, you're gonna need a big overhaul some areas. It's funny listening to folks talk about it. Well if you get a few transfers maybe bringing some assistant coaches and you know get some guys to say and some guys to leave. It's like so you won a massive overhaul like okay right I mean I don't know man.
Um, yeah I I so I sense that the fanbase is really eager for Kevin Keats to succeed and they just maybe they think he's in his own way.
I Don't know.
Ah, or need some prodding I don't know but frankly I'm just surprised that where we are right now isn't even more you know vitriol on the fan base to make a move. It's just yeah.
It's the apathy. It really is people just don't care right now for for whatever reason.
But you know maybe he can sell something next year and say I don't know you know why am I defending this stuff too tired for it.
It's I mean I don't know like I get it. Ah, it's gonna be It's gonna be interesting how the next 6 games unfold how next season plays out like i. If you're gonna give Keats another year. Give them three more years I don't know what one does I really don't it's kind of where my head is and 1 more thing before we go I know we had somebody email me some basketball thoughts and I wanted to read them so thought.
Pretty good. Sorry I grew up in the triangle during the golden age of the Acc 1990 S Tim duncan grand hilk centerter who stayed around for 4 years I was a generation during the ac tournament where each t-shirt east carryy carry high wield a tv on a cart into the classroom show the game on w r. WRAL while we coat had class. We all knew every player and every team regardless of what team you pulled for everyone was a fan because you knew all the players it hasn't been that way for a long time so he goes on and you and I were talking last week about what would we change and so he had some ideas and this was his. Thoughts on it first a change home and a way for all acc teams get rid the out out of conference fluff games and replace him with conference games on a macro level thoughts as how the and ncw like can fix college basketball and you apply these rules to all sports including baseball and football. 1 being drafted out of high school. You can go pro or you can go to college. You can go pro 3 years after you graduate high school like college football. All players can be drafted after three year three like college baseball when you're drafted. You can return to school at college baseball the transfer portal still exists if you transfer each sit out a year players can transfer to any school they want I think that is probably the right baseline to apply to get a level on all these schools. You've got to figure out how you can start to fight the appeals that. Players are file filing for immediate eligibility. That's why this all started I don't remember it was justin fields or somebody else had filed that complaint that they were harassed or something and wanted to transfer and play immediately.
Um, yeah.
So you that is like 1 of the loopholes. But I think everything else is sound. It's kind of what we've all been saying you know you need to have some consistency I ah, really like the part about you know, getting drafted and going pro you know and then you could you can come back right? If you you know if you get a pro and you get undrafted I mean. Jeez how many times happened n state and get drafted or don't get drafted and now you're out of school like let them get an evaluation. Let them get draft drafted or not and then decide think making them decide beforehand is disappointing.
Yeah I don't say why? Yeah why worst case scenario they can't come back and either be in the transfer portal and you that's you know your school you could recruit them back if you've got the spot like I don't see why that would be a problem. You know.
There's there's fluidity in it already. The transfer portal was shown that so I think they need to get over themselves a little bit. Oh. All these people are gonna declare. No I mean if you're getting all that feedback and you're not going to be viable like it's gonna be pretty quick. You know me. Maybe the Nba does like a supplemental draft early and says like you guys aren't even good enough to be in the supplemental draft. You know.
Yeah I don't know ah those interesting thoughts I college basketball's got a real problem that they need to address I don't know if they will I think it's similar to other situations. Situations. We've seen where leadership is won't say drunk at the wheel but asleep at the wheel probably better but analogy right? and I think basketball's suffering for it I think state basketball suffering for it not being good. Doesn't help either in that. To add on to the other conversation losing definitely exaggerates all of the stuff we're talking about somebody's unhappy, you're gonna really be unhappy when you you suck your dfl not in the Acc right? So it's not like you're unhappy on a good team. You're unhappy on a bad team. You're having a bad time. So.
Yeah, yeah.
Everybody is everything gets exaggerated. The Bi language is worse. It doesn't mean that everybody's unhappy, but probably some people that are unhappy. So yeah, anyway, you anything else.
No I don't know I was gonna say um I was told it was nice weather today so that I should go hit golf balls. Well first I'm gonna do is I'm gonna nap because I'm running on like 2 hours 3 hours of sleep. At this point I'm I'm worthless. Um.
You should I'm going to do the same thing. Hit.
But no I know I'm just you know like I think it's sister man just just ready for this season to be over with just it's the same thing as I feeling at 2019 where it's like you are bang in your head. Um and you know every time you show up, you have to understand that you're so showing up for pain.
Um, yeah.
Basically um yeah I think it's just there's just other stuff going on. So I'm not surprised. People are kind of checking out right now but they'll check back in. They always do.
Yeah, they always do I think you can you can reel them back in so all right folks as always thanks for listening we back probably talk some more positive things with Football. There's been a lot of conversations about. Returning production Sb Plus just came out Pax Fifteenth I Got some stuff to talk about there but we'll give its own podcast so we can be less depressed than we are currently what's that.
You know we should do. We should do a home field release pod on Saturday and then maybe give a little shout out to our super bowl compatriots on the bangals and you know get everyone excited for the weekend.
I Can do that.
I like it. Yeah, that's probably good. That's a good idea I like it alright buddy go take a nap as always everybody thanks for listening and go pack remember check out home field apparel red white 50% off living relief red white.
Man Sometimes I got good ideas.
Um, thank you go pack.
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