1 min read

Ep 284 - State of the Program, Whiskey Will, FSU and Y'all's Questions

What's it all mean? Is it fixable? What if Dave leaves? What if he stays? Lot's of listener questions and far too much agreement from Whiskey WIll and I.
Ep 284 - State of the Program, Whiskey Will, FSU and Y'all's Questions

State of the Program

What does the Clemson loss mean?

Offensive Issues, is it all Beck?

WR issues?

Trent Pennix the missing key?

What if Dave decides to leave? Good? Bad? Indifferent?


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Contact Will Sossaman, Commercial Real Estate Advisor, at Phoenix Commercial Properties



Will is helping Buyers, Sellers, Landlords and Tenants find clear, strategic solutions for their property needs. If you're thinking about leasing, buying, selling, or even investing in commercial real estate, Give Will a call at 919-632-6953 or drop him an email