Ep 264 - Scott Wood & Haze Lancaster Open Up on NIL

Our last pod drew a lot of conversation both positive and critical. Some say we were too harsh so we wanted to clear the air and get into some of the real conversations surrounding NIL and how that affects NC State and the Pack of Wolves with Scott Wood and Haze Lancaster.
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(may contain errors)
All right folks we are back with another edition of the red and white podcast I'm your host Evan here with Will and special guests Scott Wood Hayes Lancaster pack of wools and I l guys I want to start off with apologizing for putting y'all in a. Situation last week. We had a podcast and I got very heated will was the better half in this situation. My shots were not at y'all it's at the system as a whole and I got some got some feedback that I was too mean and I didn't I didn't mean it. It wasn't intended that way. Um, in in particular about the transparency somebody said that everything should be transparent Scott and I had already talked to us about this after that episode went live so this is nothing new to him but the particular things got taken out of context there when we were talking about transparency and the my issue. With the whole thing not just and nil but is the way the system is set up currently. It's it's kind of patchwork. It's everybody is kind of throwing stuff at the wall trying to make it work and from a fan side. It's frustrating to see that it and that was where that. That all came from and so that's that is my aology apology to you guys if it and it came across as negative to you all in any way I think the pack of oils is probably the more important of the 3 departments and that is where my concern had.
But concern lies with all of that I think that was the the disconnect there and I probably didn't articulate it well because I was fuming and something else but apologize guys.
Yes, it's not ah, it's not a perfect system. That's for sure will um, but and and it's definitely going to be changing right? It's going to be ever changing and I think that's the thing we have to just realize that you know what and io looks like today may not be the same in in three months six months
Yeah, yeah, you know and I think people people are just kind of confused right from fans perspective they they still don't know what it is because you hear these rumors of.
So we're just gonna have to evolve with it.
Different places operating in different ways and I think you know after I talked to Scott after that episode in live it kind of cleared it up for me but I want to put that out there. So other people can hear that message as well will kind of said the same thing like the question I asked Scott was how why why are we paying? you know why is why were you going after. Ah, brion pass right? A guy who's already here. He's not the starter right? You know you hear the different ways other universities are doing things and we are going in this direction in it I think people are like why are we doing this right? So if I join you am I going to brion pass or am I going to.
You know Superstars trying to you know, recruit to the program or guys coming back I think that's kind of where that conversation started. Yeah.
yeah yeah I mean I think it's hopefully you know our our philosophy is hopeful. It'll be all of them right? I mean I think every team every um, you know every sport might be a little bit different. You know, ah our philosophy is to really try to make this thing as wide as we can. As many players as we can as many sports as we can you know brion was a ah good example of you know we'd love to by the time we're all said and done before the season starts. We'd love to have every single player on the men's basketball team with some type of deal every single scholarship player. Um. And brion was one that he has a a really good social profile. He's very active on all 3 platforms and we felt like that you know we needed to create some traction in men's basketball. Um, and obviously you know as you knew as as you were saying then and now you kind of know fast forward today obviously. You know jarquell joner is obviously now here he was signed that was going on behind the scenes right? But when when the brion question came up it just it's just the way the sequence happened right? We wanted to get Brianne signed There's some other players on that current roster that are are great kids that are good ambassadors of the university.
Um, yeah.
Our program that have been very loyal. We want to help them too. Um, and so there'll be more names coming out right of more deals that we're doing as we get you know further into the season. But you know Scott and I and you and we talked about this earlier we've we've been drinking out of this in ill fire hose for about ten or eleven weeks um and were yeah it was nice to have a little break over more memorial day to to get a reset.
Oh yeah, and then you come back and we're throwing you to the fire right away so apologize for.
Yeah, you probably spit that beer out as soon as you heard the audio.
ah ah yeah that it's and and I and I think I my my philosophy on it and is again I think it's it's weird to me that and I know you guys are just dealing with the situation as best you can in the current environment. I think the and ncwa is let everybody down by not by letting this be a free forrall and not coordinating this something to do with the athletic department and I think somebody else had had brought the question up on Twitter and said look athletic department makes millions a year we're paying you know none for this guy and none for this guy. And why are we burdening the fans with for that and I think it's not y'all that put us in that position right? It's not and that's kind of where my angs got misdirected. It's more the nc double a has puts you guys in this position where this is this. We have to do it this way currently. But.
You know I feel like they let everybody down in that regards and are you all feeling that kind of pressure from that.
Yeah, yeah I think I'm a precious right word but I think definitely you know a little bit of confusion and frustration right? that this thing you know in talking with our compliance folks right? Which of course you know.
Just like a lot of collectives across the country. You know we're in regular communication with compliance and Nc state and you know the way they kind of explained it right? Yeah, you have this this this massive new deal called nil and and notoriously the and ncwa has a massive rule book this is thick as a phone book right? that tells you how you can do. Every single thing right to to to how you how you how you walk and chew gum right? But then they come out with nnil which is this massive thing and they have like only 4 rules 3 or 4 rules right? and it's it's just it's it's created all this gray for compliance. And for universities across the country of trying to interpret that right and they live in such a black and white world. You know up until n I l and now you've got maybe the most explosive thing that's ever happened and they said ah we're gonna we're not going to put it out very many rules. You know good luck. And and then they and then when they doubled down last week where they basically said look we're going to reaffirm that collectives are booster clubs is basically the institute of a saying you know what rolls downhill right? This is your problem university we're we're saying collectives are boosters and now you've got to manage them just to make sure they understand that. Um. And that's probably a good thing in some regards for some of this because hopefully it will at least tamper some of the crazy stuff that's going on that's yet to be seen.
Is my where I see this going in the future and where I think it's gonna take somebody really pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable is that some athletic departments gonna say hey look this is this doesn't make sense to do this with. 3 separate entities at this point right? At some point it's like athletic direct athletic department needs to oversee this. The players are going to be employees I don't I don't know who's goingnna drive that bus. But I think that's where it's going in order. You know you saw nick sab and Jimbo Fischer shooting back at each other about.
Playing fair and parody and all that like it's not goingnna be. There's no parodity in the current environment right there and I think it's gonna take you know some university to say hey we're putting our Tv money into our players or we're doing something like that to start this transition into.
Yeah, well, there's some states that don't have rules that prohibit a university from being directly involved in a collective. So there's some states that have no rules and those universities are are working with consultants today to say hey look do we do we want to control this. Do we want to do our own collective.
Ah, different environment.
Um, whereas in North Carolina and a lot of states. You know the the executive orders or the orders in those states prohibit universities from being directly involved and that does complicate things right? that does basically force you to have this none party entity that's involved I mean that's not 1 of the ncla rules right? This says a university can't. Run their own collective. It's just been that that way in most states because of state law so there there could be some of that in some of these states that that don't have laws currently other than the ncla laws in the book.
Are there are there any ah collectives that you guys are sharing practices with or you know did is there like a ah group of collectives.
There there is there is you know we've we've had some conversations with the Gatorr collective yeah they're the ones that are essentially the kleenex of the collective right they they started this whole concept. They were at the gate early. They're why we call ourselves a collective today because that's what they called themselves Eight or nine months ago they've been very helpful. There's kind of a consortium of of collectives that are put together. There's ah, a gown named Christie Doche that's business of college sports. She has a great website that has none of information about collectives and about the whole nil space ah, she's been great to work with she's put together a kind of ah a think tank of collectives that are now meeting about monthly to discuss things that are going on in the space. So I mean there is this industry that's kind of blowing up right in front of us right? That's basically this you know some people are saying. It's a billion dollar industry I'm not sure. It's that big but it is a. It is a large industry that's kind of been blown up out of nowhere and we're we're kind of watching this whole cottage industry of consultants and software firms and and websites that are just blowing up out of nowhere. So from a. Yeah, from that perspective. It's it's kind of wild and exciting to kind of exist inside that.
Um, how do you I'm trying to think it like how do you navigate that. How do you know how far to push to envelope or like you know or sit back and kind of see what everybody else does like where does that balance come from.
Well, you know I think that was one of the one of the good things about maybe not being none in this deal right? I mean obviously we were we were were a little bit behind the curve. Not that far behind. But obviously there were some other you know, a lot of schools were were coming forward with these collectives or these and nil groups. Were a little bit late to the party not ex extremelyulate but it allowed us to kind of see what people were doing well what they weren't doing well what the structures of some of the successful collectives looked like you know were they none were they for profit lllcs you know how they were doing their their kind of daily their daily business and. And allowed us to kind of pick and choose what we think is kind of the the best the best collection of those business practices. Um, and then we just kind of figured out what works well for nsy state right? I think that's important is we can't worry about what Texas and Texas a and m are doing or Ohio State we have to be the best version of Nc State we can be. And we think we have a model of plan that will allow us to accomplish that and and one of the things that we saw early on that was effective was that your schools were typically you know reaching out to a well-known former student athlete right? that that um. Yeah, was kind of leaving the charge and that's ultimately how Scott really got involved. Um, and obviously you know, kind of our mission and Scott's mission on this kind of lined up and and that's how we kind of we kind of twisted his arm to get involved in this thing.
Yes, yeah, Scott made it. You know when I when I taught Scott after the last episode we had ah he made it clear about the the goals and and what you know how the pack of ols is going. You know going to operate inside the inside the boundaries right. How has the progress been. How has the you know your rollout been. It's been what three weeks now are your numbers like are you guys achieving where you want to be is where's that stand.
Yeah I mean I think we you know we're we're raising that we we raised the the kind of the the amount of capital that we expected to raise by this point, right? I mean obviously that's how we're existing right? That's one of the reasons why we're calling ourselves a collective right? We're raising some capital from folks that are contributing to the collective. And then we obviously have our fan site right? Which is what you're seeing mostly on the website which is the individual sponsorships and memberships and the business sponsorships. You know the individual memberships have been a little bit slower up to this point right? where we're seeing traction every day we're seeing a few people sign up every day. Obviously we got a little bump in the beginning. But there just needs to be more education right? We need to have more conversations like this so people understand really what we're trying to do and what we're all about because you can go into a room full of diehard Wolfpack fans and half the room still doesn't know what the heck's going on. They don't even know what an io is they don't know what pack of wolves.
Um, yeah.
You know they don't know if is it Legal can I do these types of things can I support a None party entity are they taking away money from the wolf Pack club. Is it gonna hurt so there is still such a education void here on on what this is about and it's so new so we get that. Um, and so you know. These types of of podcasts and and our athletes student athletes getting out there and doing these things for you guys and other you know other sites. It just helps us with the education component and that's what most of these student athletes are doing for us for their you know for their. Consideration is is they're helping us promote the collective and educate what the collective is all about.
Yeah I think that that education part and that's the kind of thing that comes up quite often in our community is folks are are like yeah I wanted I'm going to join at some point and they don't necessarily know like there's nothing that has pushed them over the edge. They don't necessarily know. What it's what where their money is going how it's helping and you know what is that almost incentive to to to do that right? to join as an individual I think that's that's a question that comes up all the time for us.
Yeahp? Yeah, yeah, it it it really? None main things are it allows us to build programs to compensate student athletes on their nio and it basically keeps ncstate current and competitive. And the current power None um, you know setup and that's really what it's about right? It's about you know, staying competitive and as the rules we know they are today right? We talked about the very beginning the podcast. It's not a great formula the way it's set up but it's the way we have to work in it today. We have to do the best version of Nc State today in our collective that we can and evolve as the rules change moving forward. Um, and and our coaches will tell you they can't you know? Obviously there's a lot of uncertainty about what they can and can't say and and how they can support this thing but I can promise you that our coaches think it is very very important. And we're hoping that we will. We will get more support from them here soon where they'll be able to state more directly. How important n ill is to the athletics programs at ncstate I can tell you right now. There's already been at at least None or 6 of our programs in ill and the landscape has been very important and. Keeping student athletes and recruiting student athletes to the school in a you know in in the right way right? I mean there's been several instances where you know we've been able to within the rules provide some information about what we're about um and it plays a part right? It is a it is now part of the conversation when you're sitting in the living room with a. A kid or a transfer kid especially um, they want to know? do you have a platform you know? do you have an anial platform that's going to grow my brand's going to support my brand. Um, you know what's it about you know, do they? you know? do they pay their athletes. You know do they you know what type of structure is it. It's really important you know and Scott can probably add to that. But. Um, it. It is now part of the daily grind of recruiting and and transfers and you know it's it's another thing that coaches have to worry about um and we're trying to do the best we can to support them.
So so how does that how does that work and without incriminating anything but like it if does Kevin Keats that come to the pack of wols and say hey we need a deal for soand so or does like where does or just. These are what the deals that these guys are getting like I'm not not sure how to ask this question toe and law on here.
Yeah, yeah, it all has to be done. You know after the fact right? like we we can't really have direct communication with an athlete until they've signed with your school right? I mean that's the way the rules are written today. That's what obviously most are breaking.
Right is that you have collectives and and boosters out there that are you know targeting kids before they've ever had a recruiting visit or they've ever signed a letter of grant of aid with within c state or any school right? Um, but we're you know we're we're not having any communication with those players until they've signed with Nc state and then we. Have a general conversation of what they think the market value should be for that player. Um, but for a lot of the players. It's not it's not the number None thing right? But it's part of the it's part of the consideration. It's part of what they want to look at with a player and you know I know here recently we had a student athlete that was um, you know in a a. We'll just say not a non- big 3 sport right? and they were transfer and they were looking at other schools and and they they needed to know what our and n nil platform looked like and the coach reached out to us and said hey what can we do within the rules and we said. We can't have direct communication. You can't really talk about it. But what we can do and this is why we signed brion prass and we signed some women's basketball players and we signed players in all sports was we said what you can do is have this particular athlete talk to one of the current players that is signed in our collective. And they can tell you about the collective and so that was absolutely instrumental and effective in helping that student athlete choose and see state and I hope that we'll be able to provide more details about that situation down the road because it was powerful. It was a real world example of how this works and why it's important. And it wasn't huge dollars right? It's not it wasn't huge dollars but it was just having a platform having something real. You know having the website having the app I mean having the platform that we ultimately are trying to develop these student athletes. You know as as people you know from a financial savvy perspective from. You know, working on contracts and developing mentorships with business owners and former student athletes and our advisory board and our executive board like Scott you know it's all part of the process you know and and that's what we're selling. That's what we're trying to do different here at nc state that that some collectors quite front if you aren't doing.
It's almost like an extremely inefficient process because of the lack of rules and things like that that you have to go find these work aroundund so that you don't make a violation for answering simple questions that these athletes have it's that's got to be tough.
It is and and I think you know I hope that that is some of the evolution of the rules changes that will occur I mean look the state of Illinois just basically said what we can't do in North Carolina is now legal in the state of north of Illinois. Where they're saying that the universities can get directly involved in negotiating deals and putting deals together and so you know that's actually going above and beyond whats what's even in thencw rulebook and like what today is it legal in North Carolina because of our executive order is actually now legal. And the state of Illinois so we think there'll be some evolution with some of these state rules that the and ncla will hopefully you know clarify add to some of their rulebook to to make it more even and consistent across the country because it would be nice if ahead of time. When ah, a student athlete is considering our school either a high school student athlete or a transfer student athlete they want to see the collective because it's part of their consideration. Um, and so it puts us a little bit of of a disadvantage right now because of that and so yeah, it is frustrating but it's it's the rules and and we you know we. We're we're gonnaide bomb and we're gonna run this thing well inside the guardrail so that when things change you know we can. We can Bob and weave you with it.
Well kind of along that line of contact. Um I know Scott you were quoted in this article from the Fayetteville observer with Corey Durden right um was that a situation where did like Corey reach out to you guys at the at the.
Is it.
Pack of wolves and kind of explain his situation and what was going on there or did like David reach out in response to the article because for me I thought it was actually a pretty really moving article as to why what what? some of the positives of nnil can be in the future for these guys that are struggling to me to make certain ends meet because of other obligations. So I was curious how that whole process worked out for you.
And yeah, so they they actually reached out to me um about kind of Corey situation. Obviously I didn't know a lot about Cory's situation I knew ah through a personal friend that has has worked with the collective that he he knew kind of what Cory's been going on. In his life and again I think Corey's a more unique situation. But again it kind of shows that with an I l now he he has help you know when before you know he's got kids. He's got some things going on. He's got a family He's kind of out there on an island. You know the university's limited on what they can do. And I think you know also to the point that you know sometimes a lot of people get forgotten in this and you know that's kind of where it comes back to brion pass and what we're trying to do as a collective is we want to get to the point where we can take care of everybody. You know we don't just because maybe. And not a you know, high profile athlete or you know getting seen you know, catch and touchdowns and all this stuff and it may not be the the sexy you know player. But it's about taking care of everybody because everybody's kind of going through their own thing. There are situations similar to Corey's that are throughout the university that if we can do this the right way, get this thing funded and and get some backing from the university ah you know we can have an impact on on a lot of these kids lives.
Yeah, and I think Corey's situation is a perfect example where you know he's not currently one of our student athletes. You know in the pack of wolves. Obviously he's someone that we we hope and and hopefully will be in ah in a kind of a next group of of student athletes who we'll be working with. Because he's yeah, he's you know, got a lot of of really cool things. You know that I think make a great great story for for businesses and and somebody you want to help. But yeah, he was he was I think approached by another business directly and has some direct and nil deals with with a business directly. Has been able to help him and support him. Um, and so that's great and he needs more help right? and I think he kind of mentioned that and and hopefully we can we can we can sync up some businesses and some individuals that are interested in helping him through the collective um with with certain certain things that we can do legally you know through our. Kind of platform but the university you know and that's the thing you know people don't understand you know with with the cost of attendance and the the new Austin money and and the cost of scholarships I mean they're investing a lot of money in these student athletes. Um, and a lot more than they used to right? I mean this whole academic money the austin money that nc state you know really does not have to do. It's voluntary right? But once they do it. They have to do it for every student athlete every full scholarship player and the university has stepped up basically in the first year they can do this. Um, and they are going to give every student athlete at Nc State a substantial amount of money through this this Austin money right? They're calling it academic money I think in the space but it's it's almost like it's almost $6000 a year that that each student athlete's now gonna get by maintaining their eligibility. Um. And that's ah, that's a difference maker for for most of these student athletes. Um, and just having you know money to to take their girlfriend out to dinner or or go to you know, put gas in their girl on the weekends or I mean just have spending money like most of us college students do because they've got a full time job I mean they've got a job being an athlete. And they've got a job being a student and there's not a lot of time left to do much elseks at every level of college sports today anywhere from d three and I up to up to d one I mean Scott knows I mean it. It is a it's a year round commitment.
You guys mentioned we kind of talked about how the recruiting no knows right? But how does that come into play with current student athletes and the big name that has just announced that he is pulling his name out of the draft. Coming back to any state I think a lot of fans are excited about your quavion. Smith did you do yall have those conversations. Are you like you can have those conversations with the current player right.
Yeah, yes, you can yeah, the rules are very different for you know I think the way they categorize them is you know they stay ah an essay is a student athlete writing a psa is a prospective student athlete in the rulebook so a current player is obviously. A student athlete is a is a essay right? A student athlete and yes we can. We can have more direct conversations with them. It's much easier right? like in that situation we had conversations with Taquavion. You know before he while he was you know in California at the at the combine. We kind of went through kind of where we saw his his value from an and nil ah perspective kind of we you know it's how it should work right? Scott and I you know spent some time on the phone with with with turkuvion and his dad really got to know them explain kind of who we are what our you know, kind of what our platform looked like. Said look. We're here for him if if he decides he wants to come back. We think we can we can put together an attractive deal for him. That's a good landing spot if he needs another year um to to develop as a student athlete as as an athlete as a person. Um and you know we just. Kind of let it all unfold and and um, you know obviously we're kind of like everybody else watching and and seeing his his draft stock go up and um, but at the end of the day I think he still felt like um that you know he loves nc state right? and I think that was really important to him. Um. And yeah, he's been committed to state since he was fifteen years old never really let anybody else come in the door. Um, and I think I think you'll have a lot of value and a lot of a lot of love for Wolfpac nation when he comes back and hopefully kind of leads us back to a renewed or renewed level. A basketball. So yeah, we we? Um, hopefully we'll see something announced with him soon. Obviously we've got to kind of get back to the to the details right? to get something worked out. but but yeah we can have conversations with this with the current student athlete a lot easier than a prospective one.
Are we sure he didn't just come back to break Scott Woods records.
That required him to stay all 4 years I don't I don' I don't know if he's gonna do that. He him if he breaks my records in 2 years I mean we're gonna have to get him up in the rafters really quick. But.
Yeah, yeah, he he might he he might he might try to get up more shots in Scott next year we'll have to see it.
Um, yeah.
Scott's like that and I own money he's about to run out turk. You know you gotta go.
He he could definitely get him up but he's he's going. He got it work cut out if he's gonna catch me by next year yeah he's already got more dunks I mean I'm a rain grazer man I'm not a dunker.
He's gonna get more. He's gonna get more dunks in Scott Wood next year I can get into you that.
Now Scott if you got 17 shots at a combine. How many are you hitting? Well, that's how many he took in that 1 game that everyone was was getting excited. What was he like 7 for 17 boy was ah oh that's right I didn't he.
I only get 17 Also it is are we talking game. Are we talking spot shots.
spot shots spot shots I want to know spot shots 17
Yeah, spot shots. He did do a spotshot thing I didn't count. Okay, what a gift.
Um, big spot shots I think I put myself probably right at 15
Oh and the other high profile athlete that has his season unjustly ended shortly Tommy tanks is is he on Youall's radar.
Yeah, yeah, I mean obviously we we talked to Tommy and and you know Tommy is is I mean he he is obviously someone we'd love to to have involved I mean obviously he's become a a fan favorite of not only nc state but he's become a national right? brand and phenomenon um, and I think because of that. Um, you know you know these higher profile athletes. There's not many of them right? that really are national brands. You know their agents and the people around them are just a little bit more careful about and methodical about how they go about these things and that's probably the right thing because they just want to be very careful. Um, that they don't you know cross wireres on certain things. So you know we've we've we've had communication with Tommy and and his his agent and have express interest in having him a part of the pack of wools and and they know we're here and and we hope that when the seasons ends we we can. We can kind of have more conversations. But yeah I mean we we love tommy tanks. We love to have him in the pack of wolves and and obviously we we'd love to add some more baseball players too. So.
When you guys are dealing these negotiations are you mainly talking with players. Are you talking with agents like are you guys all of a sudden become you know sports agents Unwillingly oh.
Yeah, a little bit but it's mostly a lot of times you're dealing with the players I mean it depends on the the type of deal right? Most of our players are on non-exclusive. Pretty simple deals where all they're doing is helping us promote the collective and maybe doing a few personal appearances or business appearances on on our behalf or a sponsor's behalf. Um, and so we're not really tying up a lot of their and ill value right? They're not really extensive contracts so most of those are pretty easy. We're not really dealing with an agent typically or a lawyer but some of the some of the other ones right? I mean yeah, they can be more extensive and and they. There're not many right, but there are some that that do require a little bit more and and you know we've we've got you know we're not lawyers and we're not agents right? We've got consultants and and large that help us with that kind of stuff and help us draft our agreements to make sure that they're compliant with ncla rules and state rules and. Ah, they're legal right in in the way they're structured because you know there's certain main There's the the kind of the no-no rules the way the Ntl establish this thing also has to be reflected in those contracts where they can't be paid to play. It can't be an inducement to come to a certain school. You know and you have to draft the agreements in ah in ah in a certain way to make sure they're compliant.
Yeah I can't imagine the learning curve y'all are being like you said you throw to the fire in you know, such a short period is become a I'll say None job but a None job trying to learn the ins and outs of what you can and can't do and then how to actually do some of these things.
Yeah, yeah, it's been um, it's been a labor of love for sure. Um, and yeah, yeah, yeah, it's been.
Right? okay.
Um, well I could I could a I can promise you this? Ah what is this twelve weeks now Hayes I I can promise you Hayes Lancaster has dedicated almost every minute of this twelve weeks
Scott's rolling his eyes for some reason.
I Think so yeah.
to to NIL man I can promise you that and and finally for memorial day week and we're finally able to get him to shut off his mind a little bit and it actually enjoys some time. So again, it's it's been a process but Hayes has I mean he is dedicated a lot of time and effort.
Well and and no and right right there with me has been has been number fifteen so S Wood has been right there with me the whole time and and is is is doing all of this out of the out of the kindness of his heart and love for the university um, and and his.
Towards this like I promise you that.
Sitting it.
His passion for doing this thing the right way and and having this real kind of evolution of the student athlete and really giving back to the student athlete and and from his experience helping our student athletes connect to this university better and do it better than we've done in the past for not just the scott woods because you know a lot of our student athletes. It works out like like with Scott but but for some we we haven't done as good a job and we need to do better with that across all of our sports. Um, and we're we're doing that and we think that that through the collective and through this this nnil platform we can have a say in that right we can. We can. We can have a positive impact on that outcome.
Ah I want to give I want to give you all the well like 30 seconds 1 minute what's the pitch to an individual to join the pack of wolves who wants that scott pays give me a minute. Yeah, give me that.
Scott go for it? Yeah yeah, this this is your elevator this your elevator pitch right here. Yep.
We We only get a minute.
You get as much time as you want. Ah this is an escalator pitch if it's a minute. Okay.
Elevator pitch. Yeah.
Yeah, you know I've I've told everybody from from the start, especially since I've got involved with this. You know I had a conversation with Evan I'm not here to just have everybody fluff me up and say what? What a great job. You guys are doing with the collective. You know there. Jared things that we also want to improve as well and and I'm all ears for that if if you send a email to pack of http://wolvesnnil.com and go to the email. It's going to me so any questions that anybody has you know about this. It is the education process 100% of it. A lot of people don't fully understand this. We're learning as a collective as well certain styles that we want to do and make this thing done the right way and that's what it's about you know it's about taking care of these student athletes in a unique way. You know I understand the concerns about you know, the Anda should have the athletic department has the money I don't disagree with any of that. But I also understand for nc state to be competitive and the power None and to be successful. We're gonna have to move forward with this in the best way we can.
And if we decide that you know what we're just going to do it halfway we're gonna get halfway results and I think the people that are involved with this are given a lot of time and a lot of effort that that we want this to be a None class collective. We want it to be really good. We want to be unique so that when these student athletes finish at NcState1 they're leaving better off than the when they first got there and they're leaving as better human beings and have better connections than when they first got there so you know we we want a lot of people to join it is you know again, it's an education process and I'm here for anybody that wants to have those conversations I'll I'll pick up the phone and if I got to have 40 calls a day.
Um, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, and and yeah and we want to and we want to do this thing. You know we know that we have to we have to use our strengths right? Our strength through numbers. We got a lot of wolf pack a lot of wolf pack nation all across.
I'm willing to do it because again, we're going to need everybody's help and it's unfortunate how it all kind of happened but we're here to help.
Country across the world. Um, and you know we need none a month from from none of those folks, right? The gator collective has about None members today. They're kind of the gold standard right? We'd love to get to where they are at some point down the road but it's going to take time and we need. All those individuals that are sitting there that want to support us that want to make sure that we stay current. We stay competitive um to support us none at a time. They're not taking away from the dollars. It's to have to go to the wolfpack club and the athletic department right? because you still got to pay for scholarships. You still got to build facilities right. So this is another bucket right? and I get to the frustration and the concern there that y'all have with that I mean it is real right? It is a new bucket that we have to support but it's it's it's where we are today. We're also targeting you know businesses that want to get involved that want to connect directly with an athlete. We're allowing. Businesses or individuals that want to connect directly to a team or an athlete can come in and create a deal right? if you want to if you want to go do a deal with one of our players that signed approaches. We can connect you directly with that player to support that player or you want to support that team right? If you're big in the volleyball you want your dollars to go to volleyball they'll go to volleyball right and this is why we want to get our current coaches and our and our former student athletes from those programs more involved to give back to their sport to their program. That's how we drive this thing across all of our sports. Um, it's not just football and basketball. Right? It's you know you see it. We're signing. We've got a lot of women's basketball players signed. We signed some baseball players. We've got a soccer player that's going to be announced soon. So you know we've got some high profile student athletes and other sports that we're going to be signing. So. We really want this thing to be for every sport at and nc state and that is unique to our platform and what we're how we're doing it. But I think it speaks to who we are at Nc State
I think my only disappointment is I just signed up for a 1 year subscription and I didn't hear like 10 notifications go off on you and Scott's phones right now. So I was really hoping that it's right in the middle of that be like ding.
Um, hold on let me know let me back. Got my email right now and send you one I can promise that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Scott yeah yeah, we're gonna get. We're gonna get us. We're gonna send him a special t-shirt special sticker packet right? Well I want to see that pack of wolf sticker on your car too when you get that in the mail and then leave tweet a picture out of that.
Ah, yeah,we'll see. It's a company car. So I gotta be careful with that. Ah.
Ah, you could tape it that.
And get windex and a rament blade. It'll always come off. No worry.
I'll leave you I'll leave you out with 2
I'll put it on yomet here I'll put it on my ah my my helmet here from ah from last year though.
Hey will will I just got ah I just got a text from Molly she said things must have gone well because he just signed up as a member. Ah.
Ah, there you go.
Ah, you know you guys cheat us nicer than The Woof Packck Club did so you get my money I'm getting I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm getting that's a joke.
Ah, oh see you're trying to get me in trouble again. Man trying to get me trouble I'm trying to Mend fences here and wills get me in trouble again. Will I I'll give you I'll give you all you want to talk about innovation.
ah ah yeah back to another podcast next week to to fix that? Yeah yeah, yeah.
Ah, now that's that's just a joke I actually gotta probably do that too. Ge.
Will has had this idea and we've talked about it for months we'll explain to them Wolf Pack's ul security.
Oh man, Okay, all right? So here' here's my thought um you need to come up with a a like a wolfpack investors club where basically people can you know buy into ah ah, an investment fund and it will be a super simple safe one. Um I can get into that at any other time but essentially you can buy into the fund and then you can either set your returns either to be paid out to the NNil or to athletes or you can donate your shares to athletes so that you know after they come here and Graduate. You know they basically have access to something that in the theory should continue to grow throughout time and if you know given enough time enough years. It can actually come out to a sizeable number and so we were kind of terming it. You know wolfpack social security or something like that. But you know we probably need some relaxation in how the rules work.
Yeah, well let's let's um, let's let's have a conversation about that for our next our next call right? Talk about some ah you know have a follow up you obviously I'd love to you're happy to come on here and talk Wolf Packck Sports and and and and io with you guys anytime.
Down the line.
Love the ideas obviously love the evolution here. Um, you know there's all kinds of of of things that we're thinking about doing in the future with with nonprofits and um, you know Wolf Packck Wolf Packck social security will add that to the list right? So let' let's put it on the list and we'll'll we'll catch up next time but I do have to. Ah, do have to run my wife's call me to dinner. So I know y'all got little kids so I really do appreciate the time and thank you guys so much for your platform. Yeah.
Yeah, Absolutely I appreciate Y'all's time and glad to put your message out there and you know for us. It's an education for us I know you guys. It's an education for Y'all I think a lot of fans are are still learning as well. So again, if there's any messaging that we can help put you help. Put out for you Guys. We Gladly Do it. We always enjoyed these conversations. It does bring a lot of clarity to you know where we all are and you know the the equal frustrations that we have with the environment that we were living in at this point. But again we're.
Yeah, well after next one after our next one then hopefully Evan will join after our next one. So then then we'll know we've really, we've really hit it. Yeah.
That's right, yeah Scott I go make Scott work for that 1 Ah alright fells y'all have a good one.
Ah, now give me a call. You got my number. Thank you.
Ah, thanks guys appreciate it.
Yeah, no problem
Member discussion